Wednesday 10 August 2011


by Luther B

The first thing to remember when sifting through the wreckage, metaphorical and physical, is this.....the ELITE control a sophisticated propaganda machine.

By now the tag 'mindless thugs' has been hammered so repeatedly into the public consciousness that its probably worth unpacking that term and taking a look at it.

It's a fun game.....thinking about the words we hear and repeat. During the big Union demo and subsequent rioting the tagline was 'spoiling it for the rest of us'.

Well today its 'mindless thugs'.

One or two people have raised the point that it's a contradiction to BLAME a 'mindless thug'. That said, its interesting to note that the words we use to describe violent anti-social behaviour are perhaps unsurprisingly steeped in centuries of zenophobia and class hatred. Thug comes from the heady days of the Raj in British Colonial India and refers to Hindus. Vandals were a tribe of Germanic invaders (who funnily enough had their very own Kings and Queens). And the Hooligans of course were a drunken Irish family.

Racism is shot through the derivation and evolution of these throw-away words that we use and regurgitate today with not a moment's thought. The dark 'other' that has terrified the peaceful sleep of white patriarchal England since the time immemorial.

Not only does the ELITE have control of the propaganga machine but it has, via the school system , built 'a structurally reinforced disparity in people's access to education.''

As true anarchist Peter Gelderloos describes;

''Most people are not currently able to analyze and synthesize information that challenges the integral mythologies on Class Lines. People from poor backgrounds are more likely to be undereducated, kept in a mental environment that discourages the development of their vocabularies and analytical skills.

The OVEReducation of people from wealthy backgrounds turns them into trained monkeys; they are intensively trained to use analysis only to defend or improve the existing system, while being incurably skeptical and derisive toward revolutionary ideas or suggestions that the current system is rotten to the core.

Then you have the large majority middleclass in Britain and US, the ones who speak and think in cliche and soundbite.

''most people will respond to radical information and analysis with syllogism, moralism, and polemics. They will be more susceptible to pundits arguing conventional wisdoms with familiar slogans than to people presenting challenging facts and analysis. Because of this, activists taking an educational approach tend to dumb down the message so that they too can take advantage of the power of cliches and platitudes.''

A great example here is this clip of scientist Richard Dawkins struggling to make the retard Bill O'Reilly of Fox News see the ridiculousness of religion and the notion of GOD.

O'Reilly reduces the argument to staggering levels of childish ignorance and stupidity. Dawkins is left having to reassure O'Reilly that even though he doesn't believe in God that doesn't mean he likes Hitler!

Compare this to the recent suppressed interview by a Nazi at the BBC who attempts to get a 'mindless thugs' cliche from Darkus Howe as the fires behind him burn his community to ashes.

Darkus's comment 'you're just some idiot' said more about the reporting of the riots than countless hours of comments, observations and warnings from so-called experts ever could .

And this is the crucial point when looking at the vocabulary and message coming out in the knee-jerk reactionary response to the riots in the inner cities.

The true 'mindless thugs' are the middle classes who are locked within the rigid thinking imposed upon them by the Elite propaganda machine.

George Orwell's 1984 identified the middleclasses as 'The Party', not so much 'unable' as 'unwilling' to think too deeply on any subject whatsoever.

A blind faith in law and order regardless of the fact that the pre-riot status quo was anything but.

Blind to the fact that institutional lawlessness was happening all around them. That the very people intrusted to protect and serve them were ruthlessly selling the middle classes out and brutalizing the poor ...whilst piling more and more gold into the hands of the ruling Elite.

They remember and regurgitate a million useless things and phrases...''but all the relevant facts are outside the range of their vision. They are like ants which can see small objects but not large ones.''

Everyone who appears before the media cameras has to immediately denounce the violence otherwise they are not allowed a voice. Even people like radical socialist labour MP John Mcdonnell feel 'compelled' to deplore the violence first before taking a swipe at the government, even though anyone who knows John Mcdonnell knows that he's instinctively opposed to violence.
But politicians play a dangerous game in speaking their mind.

Its like some bizzarre ritual involving an invisible Bible...everyone has to swear allegiance to the establishment line and the establishment way of thinking before being given 10 seconds or so of airtime to offer alternative ways of thinking.

Heres another piece from 1984,

''the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought. In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be NO words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.''

Listening to news presenters such as Fiona Armstrong and Kaye Burley one is reminded of an essay about the English language written by Orwell , presumably around the time that 1984 was receiving its deserved pludits.

''one never finds in them a fresh, vivid, home-spun turn of speech. When one watchess some tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases, {'mindless thugs'} 'stand shoulder to shoulder' {'feral rats'} 'rivers of blood' etc, one often has a curious feeling that one is not watching a 'live' human being but some kind of dummy...{or android.} A speaker who uses this kind of phraseology has gone some distance towards turning herself into a machine.The appropriate noises are coming out of her larynx, but her brain is not involved as it would be if she were choosing the words for herself.''

''When there is a gap between one's real aims and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.

In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics'. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.

CroydonClassWar advises people to think twice when commenting on the riots less they find themselves falling into the trap of spouting an opinion that isn't really their own. 

It would appear that Darkus Howe was attacked by the BBC because he hadn't equipped himself with the tools neccessary for inclusion into mainstream public opinion - discretion, aloofness,and 'a saving stupidity'.

''Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted all else follows.''

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