Thursday 18 August 2011


                                                                                                                                                   by K. E


'The lottery, with its weekly pay-out of enourmous prizes, was the one public event that the proles paid serious attention to.It was probable that there was some millions of Proles for whom the Lottery was the principle if not the only reason for staying alive. It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant.'

                                                                   dickheeds !

'Winston had nothing to do with the running of the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware that the prizes were largely imaginary....the winners of the prizes being non-existent persons.'  -1984

We had the 'tax on stupidity' argument in the early days of the Lottery....and the 'Maths Tax' argument. We had an abortive attempt by Richard Branson to seize the monopoly out of the hands of the ghastly revenants who ran Camelot aided and abbetted by the impotent Lottery Commission and mobster High Court judges. But today any kind of Lottery dissent has been totally stamped out by the frenzied glitzy propaganda machine. It is seen as a good thing. Helping the community. It's a part of our everyday lives now. Engrained into our collective programming that it seems as if its always been here and will always get bigger and will always continue to do good.

The reality is very different.

We are staring into thick FOG.

In 2002 the turnover of the National Lottery (as the establishment money-making machine was called then) had started to drop dangerously. People had started to twig it was bullshit. Dianne Thompson was brought in as an exec to revamp it. And the first thing she did was make a speech at an annual dinner at the Chartered Insitute of Marketing, where we got the famous quote:

'you'd be lucky if you win a tenner.'

A seemingly extraordinarily suicidal Ratner-style faux-pas for a CEO to make in 2002?


Well, that is until you find out that she was previously the Exec charged with rebranding the shattered Ratners name into Signet !!!!!


So the ailing National Lottery is rebranded using this cunning technique - TELLING THE TRUTH ie THE NATIONAL LOTTERY IS BULLSHIT. It's an old technique. You'll notice many pretend liberals like Peter Oborne using it in their Telegraph columns about the riots over the last few days.

                                   he's a liberal conservative on our side !     ?

Tell the truth...shame the devil, get people on your side and then use this new confidence in the goodness of things to rebrand, restock....AND ATTACK AGAIN....striking them at their weakest.

But we're wondering off into the bigger picture! 

So, the new-look LOTTO is launched in 2002 accompanied by a massive saturating advertising budget behind it. Billy Connolly WHORES himself out for a few more pounds...and just to show how truly popular the LOTTO is ...they run it on as many days as they can. What more proof of its popularity do you need?

Its new, its different, its bigger, its the same 

we're f*cked ! 

And then the EUROMILLIONS is CONJURED UP (2004)...and suddenly all the people who were fed up NEVER WINNING the normal lottery go for that one instead because it promises even more money. It's even reassuringly more expensive to play too.


Lets look a little deeper into the murky history of the Lottery.....

They first appeared roughly the same time as bank-notes (or IOU's) in old China. But the first UK Lottery was started under the watch of Queen(?) Elizabeth I and was described ominously as being for the 'strength of the Realm' !!!!

It's a truly scary phrase that..'the strength of the realm.'

We have stumbled upon one of the truly nastiest ages in British (capitalist) history..

Extraordinarily brutal things were conjured up in the 16thC under Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. The British Empire. The modern banking system. Stock Brokers etc. Even GOD himself was rebranded and repositioned in the new Protestant universal order....

                      UH UH....NOPE....SORRY

The lottery lasted from 1566 to 1826, this gambling insanity being finally suppressed (along with all those other dehumanizing and socially debasing curses that the new philanthropic methodist Parliament found so distasteful like slavery, alchoholism, prostitution, blood sports etc) in the emerging Victorian period. 

All the things in fact that are bigger now than they've ever been.

So who dug up the national lottery again in our times...?

Of course, the scumbag Tories decided to revivify its ghastly carcass in 1994 (under grey Major) and it became another in a long list of proud symbols of Britain under Queen Elizabeth II.

Bliar's Labour vampires then duly took command in 1997 and continued down the Tory road of ruthless and compassionless laissez-faire capitalism until the lottery was blown up into the unstoppable, unquenchable monster that you see today...

stupid cow


''They do say,'' Mr Adams said to Old Man Warner, who stood next to him, ''that over in the north village they're talking of giving up the lottery''.
Old Man Warner snorted. ''Pack of crazy fools,'' he said. ''there's always been a lottery.''       -   The Lottery by Shirley Jackson.

                                         NO IT WONT !

It is a menace. It is run by criminals and used to fill the pockets of the already rich and powerful with even more wealth and power. It is a brutal monopoly.
It shatters peoples lives and their sense of place in society. It keeps people down. It is a Con....and one of the oldest ones in the book.

the only ones who ever win...are them.

and the next time someone says it's a great thing, raising money for community projects etc blah blah blah us all a favour...

give em the lottery finger ! 

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