Saturday 19 November 2011

''One cannot be sincere and seem so''

''we now know that a people can be heir to all the technics and the knowledge of the ages and still behave pathologically like hordes of viscious and sadistic children'' Herbert Agar

''there is the possibility of the ruler's becoming so tyrannical that their subjects would be better off without them, in which case they are AT LIBERTY to remove them if they have the power to do so.''   David Hume

''no matter how a system of government comes into being, its mere persistence will generally be sufficient for its being regarded as legitimate''  !!!
David Hume

''Leaving things to government, like leaving them to Providence, is synonymous with caring nothing about them, and accepting their results, when disagreeable, as visitations of Nature.'' John Stewart Mill 

''England has given over to the mental level of the Boy's Own Paper and the Magnet. The Children's Hour has been extended to cover the whole of British broadcasting and the editors of the national dailies use treacle instead of ink. If one can speak of a general mind in Britain at all just now, it is sodden and limp with the ceaseless drip of adolescent propaganda'' Bevan (during 'consensus' world war 2)

                                    BBC journalist Suzanna Reid privately educated in Croydon  !!!!!!

it almost makes croydonclasswar shed a tear of pride knowing that YOUR license fee money is being spent on such a scintillating career.

''if posterity should have reason to rue the present generation...

...they would have reason also to laugh at it'' Anon 1822

''a hypocrite seems to be the only perfect character - since it embraces the extremes of what human nature is,
and of what it would be thought''

''and so it goes......''


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