croydonclasswar presents a cut n paste review of the student demo with help from Peter Gelderloos's book 'the failure of non-violence'
One of the ways to prevent a respectful diversity of methods in the broader terrain of struggle, is the creation of an assembly or an organization that attempts to represent and make decisions for an entire movement. It is often necessary to create assemblies or organizations as spaces of encounter, debate, coordination or planning.
But ....
......there is NO assembly that EVERYONE can participate in, and NO organizational style that is amenable or inclusive of EVERYBODY.
The proponents of such structures always need to keep in mind that they are not the entire movement, only a part of it. Even more crass is the habit of some activists to try to serve as spokespersons for the entire movement.
Speakers for others who are perfectly capable of speaking for themselves is disrespectful. It replaces a plurality of voices, perspectives, and experiences of struggle with ...
.....ONLY ONE.
The quest to impose supposedly legitimate decisions on an entire movement not only marginalizes diverse forms of struggle, it also opens the door for the movement to be taken over by the leadership of a specific organization
In the case of the SWP or the newly-formed-old-trot-groups like Left Unity and Counterfire, these are the ones who wait for the appearance of a mass movement they can lead. It is an explicit part of these groups' strategies to co-opt and take over proletariat movements.
These crypto-authoritarian groups pay lip service to the popular rejection of political parties and hierarchical leadership
are secretly also looking for power, ALL these groups coincide in their support for central structures, central co-ordinating bodies.
every direction wrong
He even claimed that the recent Scottish surge for independence was 'inspired' by his efforts in the 'stop the war' movement.
Dubious on every level.
Counterfire were all over the 'MASS' Scottish 'Yes' vote...funny how that supposedly mass movement was incapable of stopping young 'yes' voters being attacked in Glasgow city centre by racist football thugs. Where was the mass movement of Counterfire that evening?
tucked up in bed?
Or, wacking out some post-vote graphs of cold comfort followed with the usual 'we can build on this' bullshit.
its always coming tomorrow with this lot !
A struggle is much more than protest. And as there is NO assembly that can include everyone in a protest, this is even more true for an entire movement. There is no way to make decisions that can be applied to everyone in a struggle, or even to be aware of all the people who participate in a given struggle.
This is the back of Caroline Lucas's head leaving the rally last Wednesday in Parliament Square. Her involvement in the event lasted 6 mins.
She got the biggest x-factor-style cheer of course.
its all over.
lots of rhetoric.....
'get voting'
'get a union'
'join the mass movement'
one unionist even called for everyone to 'stop the city'
croydonclasswar is not holding its breath
we are left with the usual bitter taste in the mouth listening to 50-60 year-old careerist politicians (some from elite schools) speaking on behalf of 16 year old students.
and those same careerist politicians using the term 'mass movement' when in reality that 'mass movement' is probably only going to return ONE green to parliament...if they're lucky.
fingers crossed of course...rather a Green than any of the others
it doesn't really matter, of course.
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